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Free Aura is a mobile Aura Photography studio dreamt up by Adetoro Ceballos. Based in Connecticut (with availability in the tri-state area and beyond), Free Aura seeks to reconnect humans to their expansive, colorful being.


Aura Photography captures the energy field around a person's body - signaling that there’s much more to you than you think. The images are a safe, meaningful way to gain insight into your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.


Purity, wisdom, peace.  Points to a rare transcendence of the human condition and deep connection with God/Source/Creation.  It is extremely rare to see an all white Aura.


Visionary dreamers & free-thinking revolutionaries. Those who live outside of conventional boxes and inspire others with their empathy & charm.  Although these souls are blessed with the gift of knowledge & intution, they may need to bring balance to their eccentricities through purposeful grounding.


Aligned with their third eye chakra, Indigos are insightful, intuitive, and called to the pursuit of justice.  They are energetically sensitive and are often lauded for their 'sixth sense'.


Deep feelers.  These individuals are expressive and take pride in cultivating their personal relationships.  They are committed to loyalty, trust and devotion.


Exudes tenacity, perseverance & ambition; balanced by a strong connection to nature.   As with the heart chakra, green represents the bridge between the spiritual and physical world.


Smart, charismatic &  optimistic individuals.  They often inspire others with their intellect and confidence. When unbalanced, yellow may represent a struggle with perfectionism.


Creative, sociable & sensual individuals.  Orange indicates a desire for relational exchange.  When an orange Aura is unbalanced, it can be an indication of impulsiveness, restlessness, or difficulty in relationships.  


An abundance of energy, desire, physicality & vitality.  As with the root chakra, red Auras represent sharp survival instincts.  They are often passionate, fearless leaders.



Please reach out directly if you'd like Aura photos taken at your private event.

Thanks for your message.  We'll be seeing your Aura soon!

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